Why Desk Folders exists?

Initially, because Windows 11 has no support for customized task bars. But finally, because is pretty to have it:)

I have a security warning during installation

The application is in a pre.beta stage. Is digitally signed, but Microsoft takes some time to full trust.

I installed the app, but I cannot see the icon

New applications are installed by default with the hidden icon.
Just go to the hidden icons, and drag and drop to your systray area.
(watch carefully the first seconds of the video in the home page to see how to do it)

I see the icon, but when I click, the folder appears below, and I can see it

You have to hold click over the icon, drag it and drop it to your visible systray area.
(watch carefully the first seconds of the video in the home page to see how to do it)

How can I can update to the last version

Please uninstall it from your PC, download an reinstall it (don't worry, configuration will be not lost).

Is compatible with windows 10?

It should work in Windows 7, Windows 10 and Windows 11 (and in some windows server versions).

Are menu items updated automatically?

It should! It could take up to 15 seconds after the last change in the folder.

What will be the price when beta ends?

No idea of how to monetize or if it will be free. Will see. Ideas welcome. For now it's free :-).

Is feedback welcome?

Please, yes! If you like it, of you dislike it, if you have ideas, let me know at beta@silonsystems.com

Some references?





